Wednesday, April 1, 2015

We found a hit in HOME!

"Oh no! My hands are in the air! Like I just do not care!"

Honestly, this is the line that sold me into watching HOME by Dreamworks.
While my kids had no idea why I found that line incredibly hilarious, they did want to watch the movie for one very simple reason: Alien Invasion!

Going in, I was a little worried because alien invasion isn't like the most original plot idea ever. Neither is human girl befriending cute alien. But alien turned fugitive due to misspent email IS! I love how the whole tension of the movie was in figuring out Oh's password. Real life struggles, people! Haha!

But the real driving force of HOME... is family. And that's why I love this film to bits.
I like how the alien Boov invaders looked nice and sweet and yet they have no concept of caring for one another because the concept of family was alien to them. In the end, they came out as the unwitting bad guys in the story and that's a lovely twist.
I love how Tip, the main character voiced by Rihanna, had the non-stop guts to find her mom in a planet that was already infested with aliens. That's how tight their family bond was.
And I love the plot twist that the baddie Boov destroyer, alien Gorg --who later on came out to be simply misunderstood-- was just doing the massacre that he does to save the next generation of his family.
The running theme was just so tight that I wanna take the next flight out and hug the creative genius who thought of it!

Aside from the solid jokes and antics thrown around in almost every scene (which my kids totally ate up), there were also poignant parts in the movie that made me almost tear up. Yep. True story. I guess that's how strong my heart goes out to family, too.

And then… the soundtrack. Great, GREAT selection there. If they have a HOME Soundtrack CD, we are so there.

Overall, HOME is a lovely movie that's both fun and heartfelt. I'm realising now that animated movies make me cry more than live action movies. Wow.

Anyhoo, I didn't put up a Spoiler Alert on this one because we watched the movie on its last day. So if you had the wonderful privilege to watch HOME like we did… group hug!

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