Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Papier Macheniacs: The Byted Beak

Whoa! Working with paper and metal is insane!
But... we did it anyway.

Presenting Team Fortress 2 Medic's Byted Beak Robot Mask ala Paper Mache!

We started out the project with pretty much our comfort zone materials: paper, cardboard, rolls and rolls of tape.

Mummifying it with tissue and glue was, as always, relaxing. So was marking it with paint guides.

Painting it was fun, as usual. From the get go, we decided that we'd customise our Byted Beak's colour palette and we get a kick out of mixing hues to come up with our own.

Fitting in the lens was another easy stage. Ho-hum.

Then... came the tricky part.
The Byted Beak, being a robot mask, cannot be made out of paper alone. We have to somehow throw in some hardware. Okay, we really didn't need to. But we do like killing ourselves. So… we went for it anyway.

We got bolt fasteners and little plastic lid protectors that we hoped would give the paper mask an illusion of 'robot-ness'.

Getting the materials was a walk in the park. Mixing the 2 media together was the challenge. It was our first time to work with a puncher, a cutter, and an ice pick. Yes! An ice pick!

After that little learning curve and several blisters later…

It was cosplay time --which happens to be another Papier Macheniac comfort zone. Yay!

Did this project inspire you to make your own Byted Beak Robot Mask? Hope it did. Can't wait to see how you made yours.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Happy NERFday by Midnight Snacks

Do your eyes deceive you?
This is indeed a Nerf Rapidstrike Assault Rifle. Powered with chocolate and vanilla buttercream filling. Amped with marshmallow fondant. The perfect secret weapon for a 14-year old Nerf nut's surprise birthday party.

So let us take a moment to bask in the magnificence that is another Midnight Snacks cake!
Midnight Snacks has always been my go-to for my most insane cake ideas. I'm not kidding in the least when I say that if you can think it, they can make it.

I mean, just look at the craftsmanship on this baby. The meticulous attention to detail. That tiny Elite emblem alone had me geeking out of my mind!

And the flavour goes beyond your sweet tooth's expectations. Underneath this magical coat is a fluffy, creamy cake. Oh, and the chewy Nerf darts were a big hit, too!

I bet this post alone has got you drooling.
If you got a party coming up, sugarcoat it with the best cake you can think of. Just about anything! And see it come to life, thanks to Midnight Snacks.